Notwithstanding how low-risk a pregnancy may be, the mother is nonetheless at danger during pregnancy and delivery. Both vaginal and caesarean births have advantages and disadvantages. Although they are often much quicker than vaginal births and offer pain relief and less blood loss, they are in no way simpler. Because of this apparent notion, the number of LSCS for mothers is increasing. I advise women who choose elective LSCS to discuss labour pain relief techniques and prenatal physical and breathing exercises with the attending OBGyn to ease the process of giving birth vaginally. Vaginal delivery following a C-section (VBAC) is a high risk pregnancy. There is a chance that the old scar could dehisce or even rupture completely. If the symptoms are not recognised quickly and an emergency delivery is not performed by LSCS, the health of both the mother and the foetus may be at danger. Successful VBACs are being done at high-risk maternity facilities all around the world.
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